Free Podiatry through Medicare - Making life that much easier!
What is Medicare bulk billed podiatry?
Bulk billed podiatry through the EPC program is when the podiatrist is paid directly by Medicare, so that there is NO GAP fee for patients. However the Medicare payment only covers the consultation fee. They do not pay for products.
What is an EPC? Enhanced Primary Care Plan
A health plan your doctor write and reviews at least annually, that allows you to get free podiatry consultations from Fully Feet Podiatry.
How do I get an EPC so I can be bulk billed?
Basically you need to attend your GP and ask if you are eligible. Your doctor will decide if you have the required Chronic illness or condition and are then will write out the care plan and referral to us if you are eligible.
For example if you are Diabetic then you are definitely eligible and should have your feet assessed at least annually.
How many visits can I have each year?
The simple answer is 5 visits. But your GP will decide how many of those 5 visits that you can use at Fully Feet. Sometimes some of those 5 visits need to be used with other allied health providers IE Physio, Dietitian
You do NOT get 5 visits to each provider. You only get the number of visits written next to Podiatrist on the EPC referral. You cannot get a new referral until a year from the date of the old referral. You cannot use more than 5 visits in any calendar year (Jan to Dec)
Do I have to pay on the day and the claim myself?
No, we claim directly through our practice software. You have no part in the billing process as a patient other than providing us with a valid EPC referral. How easy it that!