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DVA GOLD CARD HOLDERS - Free Professional Care

I have a DVA Gold card, can I see a Podiatrist at Fully Feet for free?
Yes, but you will need to first see your GP in order to obtain a referral, which is valid for 12 months.
Then please give us a call to book an appointment. Your consultations and most associated products will be able to be billed directly with Medicare with no out of pocket expenses for you as the patient. We will do all the processing and claiming.




Do I need a referral?

Yes, DVA patient's need a referral from their GP. This (D904) Form or a referral with the required details.


What are podiatry services?

Podiatry services include diagnosis, routine maintenance, selected soft tissue surgery, and physical therapy on your feet. Treatment may also include the prescription of medical grade footwear, footwear modifications and orthoses.

Am I eligible?

If you have a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Health Card - All Conditions (Gold) or Totally & Permanently Incapacitated (Gold), DVA will pay for clinically required podiatry services, available through DVA arrangements. For information about the Gold Card, please see Factsheets HSV59 - Eligibility for the DVA Health Card - All Conditions (Gold) or Totally & Permanently Incapacitated (Gold) and HSV60 - Using the DVA Health Card - All Conditions (Gold) or Totally & Permanently Incapacitated (Gold).

If you have a DVA Health Card - Specific Conditions (White), DVA will pay for clinically required podiatry services, available through DVA arrangements, if they are required because of an accepted war or service caused injury or disease. For more information about the White Card, please see Factsheet HSV61 - DVA Health Card - Specific Conditions (White).





Treat Your Feet At Fully Feet



Fully Feet Podiatry 
Shop 22 / 78 Coolbellup Avenue
Coolbellup WA
08 93373731

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